While I was reading the C++11 my attention was caught by the std::weak_ptr<T> class. Let's rewind a little bit and explain what smart pointer are. The C++03 introduced the std::auto_ptr<T> class which was meant to be a basic implementation of smart pointer. A smart pointer is an object which behaves like a pointer but it doesn't need to be manually cleaned because the pointed are of memory is automatically freed when the pointer object is destroyed. It is quite handy especially in those situation where you want to throw an exception and you don't want to leak any memory.
Since its introduction, the std::auto_ptr<T> class had several problems (a brief history of std::auto_ptr<T> I found interesting is from Scott Mayers' (C++ God level) blog. One of the main problem is that auto_ptr is not reference counting, which means that there is only one smart pointer owning the reference of memory location. Whenever an object a (of type std::auto_ptr<T>) is copied into b the ownership of the pointer is transferred.
That means that after the assignment the object a will be an invalid pointer (therefore it will not perform the cleanup of memory) while the pointer b now owns the reference to the memory and he should take care of performing the delete operation. std::auto_ptr<T> for example to be used with containers. Indeed every attempt to access element x of a std::vector<std::auto_ptr<int>> will transfer the ownership of the object in the array to the left side of the assignment leading to disasters.
The C++11 finally solved this problem. First of all C++11 introduces several smart pointers, exactly 3: std::unique_ptr<T>, std::shared_ptr<T> and std::weak_ptr<T>.
When the first element of the array is removed the pointer has reference counting 2, therefore the number is decreased and the object is not removed. We move on to the second element and same repeats. We therefore end up loosing any reference to the two instances and leak memory. Valgrind should be quite angry if you run this code :). Where do we do now?
That's it. That the reason why C++11 also has std::weak_ptr<T>. Their purpose is to be used in such situation to break cycles. This kind of smart pointer holds a non-owning ("weak") reference to an object that is managed by std::shared_ptr<T>. It must be converted to std::shared_ptr<T> in order to access the referenced object.
- std::unique_ptr<T> is very similar to std::auto_ptr<T> of C++03. However because of the introduction of move semantics in C++11 (for which I promised to post something and yet didn't do it) the implementation is more safe. For example now it is possible to have containers of unique_ptrs. In the case you want more details on this have a look to this blog post.
- std::shared_ptr<T> in an implementation of a smart pointer with reference counting. This means that dislike std::unique_ptr<T>, a std::shared_ptr<T> can be copied and assigned. Every time the pointer is copied the object keeps track of how many smart pointer objects are pointing to the same memory location. When the smart pointer goes out of scoped and its distructor gets invoked the object checks whether he is the last smart pointer owning a reference to that memory, if this is the case the delete operation is invoked.
And finally we arrive at the std::weak_ptr<T> which is the main reason why I started this post in the first place. :) When I first read the definition of a weak_ptr on che C++11 standard I said to my self... nah you will never use this... what are the odds of you needing a weak_ptr??. And I indeed was wrong, couple of days ago I stumble upon a problem that really required to use a weak_ptr, true story.
It all started with a simple problem. I wanted to have an instance manager handling a number objects. These objects need to refer to other instances of the instance manager. I am not a fan of using pointer, therefore I start with a simple structure which turned to be a disaster :)
Can you see it? Yep, it always gets me. The main problem is that vectors expands during execution. When an array expand its content is relocated in memory. The array begins its life with a certain capacity. Although the size is zero, the capacity is usually larger than that. Every time the push_back method is invoked the size of the array increases. When the size reaches the capacity the vector needs to be expanded so that more elements can be append. The content of the array is therefore copied over the new allocated memory and the original location is deleted. In my implementation I keep a pointer to an element of the array but surprise surprise... that pointer is going to be invalid if too many elements are pushed into the array.
A workaround is to keep the instances in a std::vector<Instance*>. However in the era of C++11 goodies we don't want to take care of pointers ourselves, therefore the use of smart pointer is screaming out. My second try was by using a shared_ptrs. Now there it is the implementation which uses shared_ptrs, where is the problem now?
A workaround is to keep the instances in a std::vector<Instance*>. However in the era of C++11 goodies we don't want to take care of pointers ourselves, therefore the use of smart pointer is screaming out. My second try was by using a shared_ptrs. Now there it is the implementation which uses shared_ptrs, where is the problem now?
I tricked a little bit the code to make it clear what can go wrong with this implementation. When the instance manager goes out of scope is freed. This means that the repos array gets deallocated. However here something nasty happens, a circular dependency can generate among Instance objects. Indeed we end up in a situation where the first two elements of the vector refers, the situation in memory is the following:
That's it. That the reason why C++11 also has std::weak_ptr<T>. Their purpose is to be used in such situation to break cycles. This kind of smart pointer holds a non-owning ("weak") reference to an object that is managed by std::shared_ptr<T>. It must be converted to std::shared_ptr<T> in order to access the referenced object.
The weak_ptr is quite easy to use. You can construct a weak_ptr from a shared_ptr. Every time you want to access the pointed object you need to obtain a shared_ptr. This is done through the lock() method. The lock method requires the object to be valid. The validity of a weak_ptr can be tested using the expired() method. The use of weak_ptr makes Valgrind happy and concludes this post.
C++ <3